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Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 14, 2024


Your privacy is critically important to us. This Privacy Policy outlines how Scout (referred to as "I", "me", or "my") collects, uses, and protects the personal information of its users ("User", "You", or "Your") as you engage with the Scout mobile application and any related services (collectively, the "Service"). I am dedicated to respecting your privacy and safeguarding your information, using it solely to enhance your experience with the Service.

Understanding Your Data

The information collected through the Service is used to provide you with a personalized and efficient experience. This includes facilitating account creation and login, content sharing, service improvement, and where necessary, compliance with legal obligations.

Information Collection and Use

User Profile: Optional Registration with the Service requires basic information like your email address, username, and password. Signing in through social media platforms may also be offered, but please be assured, I am unable to access your social media account details.

Content Sharing: Any content you create or share on the Service, including images and associated metadata, is collected. Be mindful of the public nature of the Service when sharing images or personal data.

Location Data: The Service does not track your precise geographic location. However, your IP address may be used to infer a general location to tailor your Service experience.

Device Information: Information from your device such as hardware and operating system details may be collected to enhance service functionality.

Analytics: Information such as usage history of the app may be used to improve the experience and provide improvements.

Your Rights and Choices

You have rights regarding the access, correction, deletion, and portability of your data. Requests to exercise these rights can be made directly within the Service or by contacting me. Additionally, you can opt-out of marketing communications at any time.

Data Security

Protecting your information is paramount. Measures such as encryption and secure server practices are employed to prevent unauthorized access. Despite these efforts, no digital platform can be 100% secure, and I encourage you to use strong passwords and avoid sharing sensitive information through the Service.

Children's Privacy

The Service does not knowingly collect personal data from individuals under 16 years of age. Upon discovery of such data, it will be promptly deleted.

International Users

The Service is hosted in the United States, and by using it, you consent to the transfer and processing of your information in the U.S. This may involve different data protection standards than those in your country of residence.

Updates to This Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect changes in how I collect, use, or share your information. Significant changes will be communicated through the Service or directly to you.

Contacting Me

For questions about this Privacy Policy or your personal data, please contact me directly at [email protected]. Your use of the Service signifies your acknowledgment and consent to this Privacy Policy and any updates made to it.